Ebitengine in 2024
It's been 11 years since I started developing Ebitengine. This article is a retrospective of Ebitengine in 2024.
The copyrights of all screenshots and other images belong to the creators of the respective applications.
Between December 2023 and November 2024, the following individuals supported me as sponsors (GitHub Sponsors, Patreon, thanks.dev). I deeply appreciate their support.
(Listed in descending order of total sponsorship amount in USD)
- Master Yoda
- And some private sponsors
Between December 2023 and November 2024, the following individuals contributed to the project. I sincerely appreciate their efforts.
(Listed in order of the number of commits)
Purego, Oto
December 2023
- The game jam "Ebitengine Holiday Hack 2023" was held (entries).
- eihigh launched a Japanese summary series about Ebitengine titled "Ebitengine Weekly." It is now published monthly.
- An offline event, "Ebitengine Petit Conf #2" hosted by eihigh, was held in Tokyo (summary article). The guest speaker was Daigo.
- Ebitengine v2.7.0 was released. Key features include the
package. - The Ebitengine-powered game "Meg and the Monster" was selected as one of "The 10 Best Nintendo Switch Indie Games of All-Time – SwitchArcade Special."
- The game jam "Ebitengine Game Jam 2024" was held (results). The theme was "BUILDING."
- For contributions to Ebitengine, Hajime Hoshi received the Google Open Source Peer Bonus for the second consecutive year.
- At the indie game event "BitSummit 2024" held in Kyoto, "Dream Channel Zero", "Mousebusters", and "SAEKO: Giantess Dating Sim" were exhibited.
- An offline event, "Ebitengine Petit Conf #3" hosted by eihigh, was held in Tokyo (summary article). The guest speaker was Ichiban Kunio.
- Ebitengine v2.8.0 was released. Key features include 32-bit floating-point audio streams.
- At the indie game developer conference "Indie Developer Conference 2024" held in Tokyo, a session titled "A Short Track Series Introducing GameMaker, Godot, and Ebitengine Communities" was presented (summary article).
Console Games
Inside the Crystal Mountain
- Website
- Publisher: Intrugli Games
Inside The Crystal Mountain is a difficult action-adventure game with fast-paced combat and soulslike elements where you explore a mysterious world filled with ambiguous characters and challenging enemies.
Games from Ebitengine Game Jam
The Ebitengine Game Jam 2024 was held in June. Here, we highlight the top 4 games from the final results. For other games, please refer to the jam entries.
Other Games
Here are some Ebitengine-powered games released this year, including those featured on platforms like Steam. A big thank you to all creators of Ebitengine games!
For more games, please check out the Made with Ebitengine list on itch.io or Awesome Ebitengine.
Tools and Libraries
- bamenn (Author: noppikinatta)
- bitfontier (Author: quasilyte)
- debugui (Author: Hajime Hoshi)
- Kageland.com (Author: Tom Lister)
- Kagery (Author: Zyko0)
- Kamera (Author: Barış)
- necs (Author: Leapfish)
- resolv (Author: SolarLune)
- wasmgame (Author: eihigh)
- 036: Game UI in Go with EbitenUI maintainer Mark Carpenter (Author: go podcast())
- Getting Started With Ebitengine the Go Game Engine (Author: introtogamedev.com)
- Hello, World! - A technical overview of the software powering bgammon.org (Author: Trevor Slocum)
- I Built a 2D Game in 40 Minutes with Ebiten (Author: Sam A)
- Rune Synergy Devblog 8 (Author: Dane)
- Snake game in Go using Ebiten (Author: Alex Pliutau)
- “Ultima V Redux” Pivots to the Go-Based Ebiten Engine (Author: WtF Dragon)
- Using Brotli to deliver smaller WASM files (Author: Maurits van der Schee)
- Androidアプリにミニゲームを組み込む!Goでミニゲーム開発 Ebitengine (Author: maripiyo)
- Ebitengine Game Jam 2024 にトライした (Author: pankona)
- 【Ebitengine】OXゲーム作ってみた【環境構築~遊ぶまで】 (Author: 泥団子職人)
- Ebitengineでビルドにアセットを埋め込む (Author: kyp)
- Ebitengineのシーンマネージャーを作ってみた (Author: krile136)
- Go言語とEbitengineによる ゼロから始めるゲームプログラミング (Author: eihigh)
- Go製の2Dゲームエンジン「Ebitengine」でレイマーチングしてみる (Author: catGPT)
- Goでマルチプレイのゲームを作る(powered by Ebitengine) (Author: ponyo877)
- Goのコルーチンを活用して弾幕を記述してみた【ゲーム開発】 (Author: eihigh)
- Live2D Cubism SDKの非公式Golang版を作った (Author: Chan Aethiopicus)
- NewImageを頻繁に呼んではいけない(戒め) | Ebitengine (Author: BioErrorLog)
- Игривый гофер — Episode 463 (Author: DevZen Podcast)
- オリジナルSRPG "Kill the Kaiser" 体験版公開! (Author: トロコニーデ)
- 開発日記 2024-05-07 (Author: kyp)
- クイズゲームを作成中 (Author: tsurime)
- ゲーム制作ブログ始めました!|らんだむあくしょん!制作記録1 (Author: 長井長縄)
- スイカゲームの作り方 (Author: demouth)
- 制作進捗 - もぐらんか?#8 (Author: スペリオン)
- ブラウザ上でEbitengineを使ってwebカメラから取得した映像を描画してみた (Author: hamao)
- [インタビュー]「自分で作る,挑戦する」を忘れない。Odencat代表のDaigo氏に聞いた,2つの新作の開発を進めるうえで大事にしていること (4Gamer.net)
- 趣味でつくった2Dゲームエンジンが導いた「幸」あるキャリア。己の欲求に従い続けてきた「Ebitengine」開発者に迫る (レバテック LAB)
- 徹底的に“自分の好みを追求”したシュールRPG『Dream Channel Zero』開発者Fuming氏にインタビュー。無料デモ版もSteamで配信予定【BitSummit Drift】 (Game*Spark)
A dungeon crawler written in Go (ebiten). Devlog #1
A Web Dev Tries Game Development
Apple II emulator in Go / Ebiten - Go6502
Cyberpunk adventure game progress
First-Time Go Dev Makes an Ebiten Game About Playing Go
Go Project: Let's Make a PONG Game in Golang!
Learn Go by Creating a Game
PixelMek 3D Firemoth Swarm (AI Test)
Setup & Window | RPG in Go | Ep. 1
Descobrimos um bug na Ebitengine enquanto resolvíamos um bug no Neko.
自作ゲームWIP おもいぐさ物語①
New Trailers
Coral & The Abyss
- Website
- Steam
- Publisher: Intrugli Games
Day Trader Tycoon
- Steam
- Publisher: DayTrade Games
Meg's Monster (Lost Memories)
Mousebusters (Complete Edition)
- Steam
- Developer: quasilyte
- Publisher: quasilyte tech
SAEKO: Giantess Dating Sim
- Website
- Steam
- Publisher: HYPRE REAL
Snowman Story (Nintendo Switch Version)
Ebitengine Beyond 2025
This year marks the 11th anniversary of Ebitengine. With over 10,000 GitHub stars, 2,000 members in the Discord server, and six games released on consoles, the Ebitengine community has become quite vibrant. I am truly grateful for this growth.
On the other hand, the number of commits over the past year was 800, a slight decrease compared to 1,028 from the previous year. This is partly because I, Hajime Hoshi, have been quite busy, but also because I feel that Ebitengine itself has reached a level of maturity. While I’ve been saying for a while that I’d like to improve GUI-related libraries, I haven’t been able to release anything yet. Next year, I aim to focus on enhancing surrounding libraries.
Compiling this year’s summary article took a significant amount of time due to the overwhelming number of creations and articles produced. While this is a wonderful challenge to have, I’m not sure if I can continue in the same format next year.
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!